Cambridge, UK

Planning consent for a new flexible Smart Lab on Cambridge Science Park to attract a range of small to medium enterprises
Project Details
Collective Team
We were commissioned by Trinity Hall to create the 4,600sqm building at the western entrance of the Science Park as a new dynamic Laboratory, Research & Development building that seeks to elevate the Park’s brand with a new product for the Cambridge market.
This vibrant hub provides small to medium sized enterprises with agile laboratory and R&D spaces for growing businesses.
The building form adopts a simple approach that is honest to its function, while responding to its context in scale and massing.
The linear footprint with central core provides flexible floorplates for different sized tenures that each benefit from maximum daylight amenity.
The building adopts a clear internal strategy between bespoke laboratory uses and their associated write-up office space, a central agile space provides flexibility for operations to expand and contract their Lab or R&D office spaces to suit individual tenant needs and as their business evolves over time.
The elevational treatment employs a simple concept of contrasting elements that bear a direct relation with the internal spatial and environmental requirements.
To the write up spaces, the facade is opened up to maximise views and natural light, contrasted by a highly insulated facade of ribbon windows to the lab spaces.
These contrasting elements provide legibility to the building and clarity of expression, which are framed by articulated cladding to create a unity and cohesion to the whole.