Milton Keynes, UK

"Libraries are no longer simply places to study the traditional written word” - the Open University stressed this important shift when it appointed us to design a new library on its Milton Keynes campus
Project Details
Collective Team
Employing the latest technologies, the new Open University Library hosts a wide variety of information resources. The 6,503sqm facility houses collections, staff offices, and an interactive open learning centre on three floors.
Experience gleaned from corporate projects was applied to the tight program established by the University. Detailed appraisals of space standards for offices and collections achieved full flexibility and effective departmental relationships.
The simple, dignified design integrates a low energy approach. The collections are located on the south side of the building and offices to the north to minimise the effects of solar gain.
Highly efficient plant, together with metering and monitoring systems, enable impressive energy use targets to be met. Efficient lighting linked to occupancy sensors reduces electricity use while low-flow fittings restrict water consumption.