Istanbul, Turkey

The dynamic workplace we created for Microsoft was originally designed as a shopping centre and was already constructed to shell and core when we started the project. It now houses a flexible environment that supports the work that people do in a cost effective and efficient way
Project Details
Collective Team
The hexagonal floorplate and central atrium of the original design allowed us to create views across the whole building.
From the reception and client areas, visitors are visually connected to this interactive and technologically advanced workplace, and departments and teams are linked.
There are very few assigned private offices; open plan workstations are shared, and a range of task-related elements support different work styles including informal and formal collaboration spaces, touchdown and break out areas.
Other business support areas and staff amenities include a client product launch and demonstration suite, staff café and fitness space, and an informal meeting area at rooftop level with an outdoor social space.
A palette of interesting materials and vibrant colour has been carefully applied to energise spaces, to respond to differences in scale, and to express the confidence of the Microsoft brand.
Taking advantage of the exposed ceiling and use of inexpensive finishes has resulted in a low cost, but very high impact workplace.